Have questions, suggestions, or concerns about my site?
Just want to leave a message without having to worry about the formality that comes with e-mailing?
Here's the place for that!
I may also reply from time to time


5:33pm 10-26-2023

How did you find my site?

through a twitter thread ^^
i love your website so much what T_T
9:53am 10-26-2023

How did you find my site?

Im new so im looking for inspo!
I love the layout of this site,very cool!
6:44pm 10-20-2023

How did you find my site?

Exploring neocites!
Hello! Just found this site and wanted to say it's really nice :] Plz keep up the good work m8!
10:13pm 10-17-2023

Your Site URL:


How did you find my site?

On the Dashboard
I've just learned about this world of HTML and making your own blogsite (?) and seeing such a beautiful site like yours makes me really excited about it all!
I just wanted to say that your website is a big inspiration to me and that my new big dream is to have an astonishing site just like yours!
3:27pm 10-15-2023
Dylan O

Your Site URL:


How did you find my site?

Through the NeoCities featured sites
Such a cute and fun blog!
Always a pleasure to scroll through and along with the other neocities...it's life affirming that websites can still be interesting and more imaginative than the stock websites we have today through corporate hegemony
7:27pm 10-12-2023
bucket of tendies

How did you find my site?

Neocities front page... I guess
Thanks for the buttons bro never stop neeting
11:56pm 10-10-2023
2:30pm 10-10-2023

How did you find my site?

through neocities
Hello i am born in the 2004 and have interest with the old websites because i never gotten to experience it fully and this is really nice. And it inspires me to try and make my own. I love old stuff from the internet and looking forward to see more stuff you do here and the music too scratches my brain. UwU
5:04pm 09-30-2023
??? (interloper)

How did you find my site?

thru the gamazingvine… being nosy… maybe i saw it from above in my chariot ov fire…
snapshot of a relic, this site. a melodious ode, homage, and heartfelt eulogy to a cyber age of its own. like a revelation whispered in passing, its influence becomes potently relevant as time goes by. every new iteration of slicked-back and streamlined modernity, artificially ripened for optimal consumption, can never hope to invoke the unbridled and visionary essence of this digital age. the turn of the millennium was accompanied by a kind of freedom on all fronts that corporations will always try and fail to imitate. a promise they can never fulfill. i am gleefully giddy at the thought of their frustration in not having access to the synchronous, creative spark that once held sway over the global village. yet, it still remains, being nurtured in folds of the world wide web such as this. thank you for your efforts :-)
4:25pm 09-24-2023

Your Site URL:


How did you find my site?

webring hopping!
your site is sooo cool ! i love the little fake advertisements i cant wait 2 see what you may add in the future!!!
7:04pm 09-21-2023

How did you find my site?

I was looking up 200's/90's based websites and came across it today I've been reading through it and love it soo much, keep up the amazing work!
11:59am 09-19-2023

How did you find my site?

most followed Neocities page
your site is so enjoyable to look at! def coming back and sifting thru everything you have to offer there ^__^
4:06am 09-19-2023

How did you find my site?

Searching up sites that are from the old web,Discovered neocities and ended up stumbling here (:
As someone who is obsessed with the old web, this site is just so cool and funky that I wanted to leave a message saying how cool and funky it is. The gifs, colours and details make it even better, Most modern sites are super bland so it's nice to find websites with actual personality and soul in them. I feel inspired to make my own site!
Thank you for reading this (:
6:33pm 09-14-2023

Your Site URL:


How did you find my site?

neocities browsing!!
DOKODEMO IS SO CUTEEEEEEE it's so cozy I love it SO much
7:41pm 06-30-2023
i come to your site often just because it is so nice. i look forward to more updates on web design :-]
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