Have questions, suggestions, or concerns about my site?
Just want to leave a message without having to worry about the formality that comes with e-mailing?
Here's the place for that!
I may also reply from time to time


5:21am 02-10-2023

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How did you find my site?

just from my first search of neocities after hearing of it, it was somewhere in the results or linked somewhere on someone else's page
i hope you're having a wonderful day! i really like your page, i think it's really impressively designed and executed! i have very little prior coding and html experience but stumbling into neocities and its community has sparked a desire to learn more and make my own space!
5:08pm 02-07-2023

How did you find my site?

been following since 2021 when I first found out about Neocities while bored at school
wait, YOU'RE Banban?!?! Oh my gof I never realized I love ur music!!
12:46pm 02-05-2023

Your Site URL:

hi! your cafe page is super cute and i love the custom art! i just wanted to let you know that it appears the sky background appears to be positioned relative to the right side of the browser window instead of the room? at my screen resolution, the sky is completely floating outside the room and the windows are empty and as i resize the sky moves around a lot. i hope me letting you know this isn't rude or anything, i figured that if something was broken on my site i'd want them to tell me too. hope you're well! ^^
9:16am 02-05-2023

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How did you find my site?

this site is so cool!! i love it
5:57pm 02-04-2023

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How did you find my site?

gonna be completely honest i have no clue
not sure if i already left a signature here so im back ! new website looks amazing
10:35pm 01-31-2023

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Just wanted to say it makes me so so happy stumbling upon another person who loves pet mice with a passion. They're my favorite animals in the world! I hope your guide makes people reconsider fancy mice!
9:47am 01-30-2023
You know what, yeah. I would be caught up on what people do with their HTML knowledge if I were unemployed too!
2:24pm 01-29-2023

How did you find my site?

i love this site so much
it brings me so much joy seeing this corner of the internet, it's super cute and i had a great time exploring the site

thank you for all your hard work!
12:39pm 01-26-2023
Omggg !!!! welcome back !!!! missed u a lott
10:41am 01-26-2023
my website is not your aesthetic !
7:38pm 01-25-2023

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not confident enough to share it just yet.

How did you find my site?

browsing neocities a couple years ago
Really love the new update! The new pages and layout are amazing
11:51am 01-23-2023

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(currently in the works)

How did you find my site?

a loong time ago (2020) so satisfying to see it grow and be more awesome then it was before
welcome back!! i love that you went for a layout similar to the art direction in kirby's dream land 3!!! that game is my absolute fav of the dream land trilogy (and kirby in general) and im so glad theres someone out there who appreaciates it just as much as i do!!! shimomura games man....
12:11am 01-23-2023

How did you find my site?

i just stumbled into this rabbit hole and i miss when the internet was this creative, im glad people like you are sitll doin it
this is easily the coolest website ive stumbled across, genuinely, great great job its actually incredible <:
7:16pm 01-22-2023

Your Site URL:


How did you find my site?

just casually stumbled upon it and some other neocities sites while looking for some html help on google!
i absolutely love your site!! i'm still new with html and coding - seeing sites like these makes me want to learn more!
12:42am 01-22-2023

Your Site URL:


How did you find my site?

following links through various sites. i forgot which specific site got me here
I love your site and all the resources you share!
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