123Guestbook.com will be shutting down on the 1st of July. Learn more

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Just want to leave a message without having to worry about the formality that comes with e-mailing?
Here's the place for that!
I may also reply from time to time


11:20am 07-18-2022
Supposedly Spooky

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How did you find my site?

Originally from a button on Melonking's site
Your site has really really cool vibes and is one of the main inspirations I've had for making my own site! Every time I come back I find something new and interesting to look into. Super super cool
9:31pm 07-15-2022

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How did you find my site?

browsing neocities
I love your site! I'm new to neocities and to coding but finding sites like yours is why I wanted to join and learn to make my own!

I hope I can eventually make a name and impact in the community someday like you have.
3:22pm 07-15-2022

Your Site URL:


How did you find my site?

looking around on Neocities
hi! I discovered neocities through gifcities and Wired Sound for Wired People, and decided to look at more pages to find inspiration for the page that I started working on from scratch. I love the style of your website and I can tell you put a lot of effort into getting it to how it is today. The blog post where you talk about how just using templates from other people and websites goes against the purpose of neocities really spoke to me. I decided to make my own website and I'm trying to learn how to code all the parts of it myself. Im even working on making my own font out of actual play doh! I just hope you know that you're art is appreciated, I'm glad I found this page! bye <3
Replied on: 9:37am 07-17-2022

omg i absolutely love the idea of making a font from play-doh! but thank you so so much for the kind words i always love messages like this, they make my day :,)

10:43pm 07-14-2022

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It reminds me so much of a mix of old blogs and those glitter graphic sites! (the layout and such!) You inspire me so so much! Ive just started out on my site! (Ive procrastinated because its a big responsibility and Im a beginner at coding!) So I always seem to come back to this site just to stare at my screen like O.O I find all your graphics to be so cute and inspiring too! Makes me wanna make my own pixel graphics for my own site sometime...!
Anyways, I learned a lot from your lil Tut HTML blog!!! I cant wait until the next update ^_^ I'll make sure to check back!!!
I hope you are doing fantastic!!!!
10:27am 07-14-2022

How did you find my site?

Found you off of the main neocities site
Hello! This is the first time I've signed a guestbook in YEARS (wow the nostalgia). I wanted to tell you that your site is awesome and a great source of inspiration to many who are interested in web design (or returning to it such as myself). Wishing you the best~!
1:54pm 07-13-2022

Your Site URL:


How did you find my site?

i found your button on koinuko.pink !
woa i don't even know how to get started .. i just found your site, and i have been exploring all the pages for the last few hours, and i still feel like there's more to find !!
my favorite pages are the fridge ( i felt so happy when clicked on it ), the beanie babies collection ( i'm so jealous you have 3 halo bears, i love them and have 0 currently lol ), the toybox page ( i love the idea of a little home for all stuff you adopted, so cute ) , and i can't get over how CUTE the adoptable monsters are !!! ♡
i don't care what you say, you're REALLY GOOD with javascript, for making such an adorable adoptable game so neatly. and i mean, all your pages are so fun, there is plenty of interactivity .. it's very inspiring !!

i absolutely love all the pages, and there are so many hidden stuff to find, i am clicking everywhere - and i adore how you displayed links for other sites too, i found many precious gems because of you !! thank you so much ♡
the idea of "non-commercial ads" centered on sharing content and personal websites that you personally like is genius !!!! i remember doing similar things ( like sharing random banners from sites i like ) on my blog when i was a child, and i never thought of doing that nowadays.
yours are even displayed randomly, which is even cooler !! i keep opening your site over & over just for seeing different stuff.

so, yea, i love your site and i will be visiting again, surely !!
please keep up with the wonderful work, and have a good day ♡

( note : i added your button to my /recommended page )
Replied on: 9:43am 07-14-2022

thank you so much this comment made my whole week your site is wonderful too

2:42pm 07-12-2022

Your Site URL:


How did you find my site?

browsing neocities!
hello! I just want to say that you inspire me as a coder! Your site is something i still come back to often to gather motivation when working on my own codes! I started teaching myself HTML a few years ago through scattered web tutorials and a lot of my own experimentation (and a LOT of failed attempts in the first few months) and fell in love with coding but didn't really know where to take that passion or what to do with it. but your site inspired me in so many ways to keep coding! Looking at your site makes me very nostalgic for my childhood. The world has changed so fast T__T ! but I'm really glad that your site exists and that you keep it alive. Visiting it makes many a day brighter! Sorry to keep you for too long; hoping you're doing well! Best wishes, courage
12:48pm 07-12-2022

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How did you find my site?

2:38am 07-12-2022

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How did you find my site?

i love the layout and how colorful it is!!! makes me feel happy
9:06pm 07-11-2022

How did you find my site?

Toyhou.se and nostalgia diving!
Your website is so cool and cute! It makes me really wanna get into making a neocities page myself!
8:18pm 07-11-2022
newt ^-^

Your Site URL:

im shy sorry!!

How did you find my site?

someone linked me your tutorial on putting winamp on pages
i like your site a lot!! i just got started with really understanding html and css, and your site is a big inspiration, i appreciate the winamp tutorial a lot. i admire your eye for color!! hope all is well in your life. bye!
11:50pm 07-09-2022

Your Site URL:


How did you find my site?

browsing neocities
i love your site so much it is so cool and fun!!
11:09pm 07-08-2022
Toni Vidal

Your Site URL:


How did you find my site?

It was the first thing that I saw when I made my neocities account ;')
I love your website it's cute and fun 🐱!!!
7:15pm 07-08-2022

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How did you find my site?

I love your site and the design, good job!
5:35pm 07-08-2022
Uke Fudanshi

Your Site URL:


How did you find my site?

featured and weebring
I love your site! I made a few pages a year ago and just now decided to make more and try and build something decent - my site is such trash still xD Still learning the basics!!

Yours is awesome OMG!!
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